About Us

Thank you for visiting our website and for the support if you have made any purchases with us. I wanted to add some insight into the brand and why it started.

VELLA. started from searching for activewear that has that simple, modern and minimalistic style; clothing that wouldn't look out of place as everyday wear. Activewear, for Everywhere.

As someone that spends most of their time in the gym, values comfort and prefers a simple and clean look, it only seemed right to merge all 3 and create the pieces that i had been searching for myself.

After many months of drawing up designs, speaking to manufacturers and countless samples revised until i was 100% satisfied, the first few products have been launched, with that process ongoing as you read this as we add to our collections.

We hope you like what you see, and we want to hear your feedback; both good and bad, so we can improve and build upon this foundation each day.